Mission Statement

The Aims & Purpose of the Club.

  1. To provide a regular meeting place for members and on occasion guests invited by a member, to enjoy social interaction with other members without discrimination of gender, race, disability or religious belief, along with informative or educational discussion and entertainment which may be provided via speakers including representatives of other organisations or by individual members of the club.
  2. To maintain contact and support with widows / widowers of deceased members or those unable to attend meetings due to illness etc. via an internal network of care assistants.
  3. To further bring members’ widows, widowers’, wives or partners into the Probus “family” by hosting invitation meetings at intervals and by including them when possible in social activities.
  4. To interact when possible with the local community and organisations, including on occasions, at the discretion of the members and Committee, providing limited financial donations from a ring-fenced fund generated from club activities such as coffee mornings, raffles etc.
  5. Whenever possible to organise social events such as day trips or group activities which may by invitation include members of other organisations or guests of members.

July 2021